Humane Society Rears Its Anti-Gun Head

in Authors, Rapid Fire, S.H. Blannelberry, This Week

Anti-gun activism can come from the most unlikely places, even organizations like the innocuously named Humane Society of the United States. You may have seen one of their heart-wrenching television commercials. Styling themselves as your local humane shelter, the HSUS does not actually run a single pet shelter.

Instead, the HSUS uses the dollars donated by people thinking they are funding shelters for purposes every bit as radical as those espoused by PETA.

The HSUS presses an agenda against using animal products like meat, cheeses, and even ice cream.

So why should gun rights activists care about this group? Along with being anti-meat, HSUS is also very anti-hunting, with their CEO Wayne Pacelle referring to hunting as “murder,” and saying “if we could shut down all sport hunting in a moment, we would.”

Their group has spent a large portion of their $140 million dollar budget pressing for legislation banning hunting in national parks and even the sale of lead-based ammunition.

Pacelle is also no fan of the NRA, claiming it is “led by extremists.”

“The NRA’s invoking of the noble principles of freedom and constitutional rights to defend hunting, as with its inflexible stance on gun control, is only a smoke screen for extremism,” Pacelle stated.

The bottom line is attacks on your rights can come from anywhere, even a group posing as your local humane society. Always research before donating, and tell your friends HSUS is not what it appears to be!

(Editor’s note: This article was a submission from freelance writer Mike Doran)

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