Get True Live Fire Training with ‘Human Type Targets’ from SimIS – SHOT Show 2022

in Authors, Jordan Michaels, SHOT Show 2022
Get True Live Fire Training with 'Human Type Targets' from SimIS – SHOT Show 2022

Training with static targets can only get you so far. In the real world, bad guys don’t stay still, which is why elite (and some not-so-elite) outfits rely on force-on-force training.

Now, veteran-owned IT company SimIS is offering another way to simulate real-world scenarios for those professionals who need to be ready for anything.

“Human Type Targets” (HTT) are more-or-less what they look like. HTTs are mannequins mounted on four rubber wheels, and those mannequins can be controlled via a remote or set to automatically complete a variety of circuits.

But they’re also reactive. When a shooter hits a vital area (head or chest box), the mannequin responds by rotating backward 90 degrees. If the mannequin is hit outside a vital area, the mannequin rotates 45 degrees. In either case, after a few seconds, the robot rotates back to its original position and continues moving.

Get True Live Fire Training with 'Human Type Targets' from SimIS – SHOT Show 2022
HTTs react no matter which direction they’re hit from.

It doesn’t matter which direction the mannequin is facing when it gets hit. Unlike steel reactive targets, the HTT responds the same no matter which angle the bullet strikes it.

When we tested the system at the SHOT Show 2022 Range Day, it appeared to function as advertised. While we couldn’t verify where our shots landed, the mannequin responded as it should have every time we felt like we made a good shot.

Durability is obviously a concern, and we didn’t try putting any rounds in the areas below the mannequin. The internal mechanism is plated with AR-500 steel, and the rubber wheels should absorb any stray bullets. Still, only extensive testing could verify the long-term durability of the HTT.

Get True Live Fire Training with 'Human Type Targets' from SimIS – SHOT Show 2022
Internal mechanisms are covered in AR500 steel.

Not that most average Joe’s will get a chance. If the cost is any indication, SimIS is pricing the HTT with an eye towards those fat law enforcement and military contracts. A single unit costs $100,000 to purchase, $70,000 to lease for a year, and $2,000 to rent for a day.

Maybe you can convince a range owner in your area or your firearms instructor to splurge on an HTT. For the rest of us, we’ll have to be content with steel and paper.

Click HERE to learn more about the HTT from SimIS.

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