GunsAmerica Posting Wizard for Android Smartphones – SHOT Show 2014

in Authors, Paul Helinski, SHOT Show 2014

Technology can make your life easier, or create yet a new thing you have to learn for fear of falling behind. The new GunsAmerica Posting Wizard smartphone ap for Android is meant to make your life easier. We hope to follow up within a couple months with an option for Apple products, but it can be very hard to get an ap into their store. The Android ap flows just like the posting page on the main website, and includes all of the options that you will find there. Why didn’t we make an ap for browsign the website and contacting sellers? We may, if people say they want it. The problem with those aps is that you really don’t need them if the website is designed properly for smartphones, and they can be more cumbersome than just using the regular website. For posting, it is really convenient to be able to just pop a few pictures with your phone and post an ad remotely, so we decided that this posting wizard ap was worth the space in your phone if it is something that you think you will find useful. Please give it a try and let us know what you think in the comments, and also please take the time to rate it in the Google Play store. Maybe we’ll be “trending” !!

These are the workflow screens on the Samsung Galaxy 4. Your phone should be similar, but differnet phones handle aps in slightly different ways. If it fails on your phone, let us know and we’ll work in the bugs. Hopefully there won’t be any!!

GunsAmerica Posting Wizard for Android Smartphones - SHOT Show 2014 GunsAmerica Posting Wizard for Android Smartphones - SHOT Show 2014
First search for GunsAmerica in your Play Store on Android. It will be listed as GunsAmerica Posting Wizard. Install it then open it. First you will need to login with your email and password, just like you would on the website.
GunsAmerica Posting Wizard for Android Smartphones - SHOT Show 2014 GunsAmerica Posting Wizard for Android Smartphones - SHOT Show 2014
This is the opening screen. Click Post an Ad. The app for now just posts classified ads. The category select is just like it is on the website. You select Guns/Nonguns, then go on from there.
GunsAmerica Posting Wizard for Android Smartphones - SHOT Show 2014 GunsAmerica Posting Wizard for Android Smartphones - SHOT Show 2014
When they have been selected, click continue. Next enter your title, condition, and quantity if you have more than one.
GunsAmerica Posting Wizard for Android Smartphones - SHOT Show 2014 GunsAmerica Posting Wizard for Android Smartphones - SHOT Show 2014
The next fields are optional, for you to give details about your shipping options and whether you take trades. Enter your price and shipping charge. If you leave shipping blank the ad will say contact seller for shipping cost.
GunsAmerica Posting Wizard for Android Smartphones - SHOT Show 2014 GunsAmerica Posting Wizard for Android Smartphones - SHOT Show 2014
Select your choice for who can contact you, everyone, or just address verified members. These fields are to start your ad at a later date, and hide the ad from search results so that your local customers can get first crack at it through your website. This is primary an option for dealers who use our Live Storefronts websites
GunsAmerica Posting Wizard for Android Smartphones - SHOT Show 2014 GunsAmerica Posting Wizard for Android Smartphones - SHOT Show 2014
The next screen is upload or take new photos. These instructions you have to understand because it isn’t as intuitive. Depending on your type of phone, it may give you the gallery and camera options, plus other phone cloud systems.
GunsAmerica Posting Wizard for Android Smartphones - SHOT Show 2014 GunsAmerica Posting Wizard for Android Smartphones - SHOT Show 2014
This is very important. Whether you upload your pictures from the gallery or take new ones, YOU HAVE TO CLICK THE UPLOAD BUTTON for the files to be uploaded to the ad. Be patient. The page will refresh and show you the images after they are done uploading. You can upload as many as you want, just like the website. The next page is where you select your features options. If you have a Trusted or Gold Plus seller account the savings will be reflected in the ap.
GunsAmerica Posting Wizard for Android Smartphones - SHOT Show 2014 GunsAmerica Posting Wizard for Android Smartphones - SHOT Show 2014
The next screen is where you check the terms and conditions, and agree to any charges you may have added to your otherwise free to post ad. This should be a fairly familiar success page.
GunsAmerica Posting Wizard for Android Smartphones - SHOT Show 2014 GunsAmerica Posting Wizard for Android Smartphones - SHOT Show 2014
If you click to view the listing, your phone may ask you which browser to open it with. If you click to make this larger, you will see that the ad posted perfectly, with both photos in the gallery.

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