Do-It-Yourself Gunmaking with the Serbu GB-22 – SHOT Show 2017

in Authors, Jon Hodoway, SHOT Show 2017
Do-It-Yourself Gunmaking with the Serbu GB-22 - SHOT Show 2017

The Serbu GB-22.

Learn more by visiting


Do-It-Yourself Gunmaking with the Serbu GB-22 - SHOT Show 2017

The BG-22 is touted to be the simplest homemade pistol.

I got the chance to spend some time with Mark Serbu during the 2017 SHOT Show. He had lots of cool guns on his table but I could not help myself, I just wanted to talk about the GB-22 pistol.

One of the first things I figured out about Mark is he is doing this because he wants too. It is just a bonus that people will pay him for his guns. He is truly driven by his passions.

Last fall Mark introduced the world to the Gun Buyback 22 or GB-22, a homemade four-piece .22 rimfire single-shot handgun that can be crafted by virtually anyone.

With only a barrel, frame, slide and recoil spring, the GB-22 can be made at home with steel plate and bar stock with the use of a hacksaw, file, and drill. Attaching the barrel to the frame can be done via welding, roll pins, or screws. The overall design concept is to give one a simple, do-it-yourself sidearm.


Do-It-Yourself Gunmaking with the Serbu GB-22 - SHOT Show 2017

Pretty simple and straightforward.


My theory is that Mark was thinking, “How do I bankrupt those ineffective gun buyback programs?” Step one: Make a gun that will cost so little that you can sell them at a buyback and make money. Step two: Tell the world how to make the GB-22.  Step Three: See what happens next.


Do-It-Yourself Gunmaking with the Serbu GB-22 - SHOT Show 2017

You can purchase the GB-22 plan for $12.



Do-It-Yourself Gunmaking with the Serbu GB-22 - SHOT Show 2017

It’s a great way to get your feet wet in DIY gun making.


So, following step two on Sept. 3, 2016, Mark posted some images of Facebook. Then, on Oct. 5, Mark posted the video showing how to make the gun. The video went viral and has more than 1.1 million views.

As you might’ve guessed, this did not sit well with everyone. First South Korea banned the video, then Youtube censored the video with giant blurred blocks. Youtube also prevented him from monetizing the video. You can do the math but that cost Mark at least $1,200.

But undeterred by these efforts, Mark has since posted an uncensored version of the video that you should check out:

Censored version Oct 5, 2016

Uncensored version 24,834 Nov 10, 2016

Do-It-Yourself Gunmaking with the Serbu GB-22 - SHOT Show 2017

Mr. Serbu at the SHOT Show 2017.

Price and Availability

The plans can be purchased on Mark’s company website for $12. They are currently awaiting BATF approval on the 80 percent kit.

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