Gov. Cuomo Calls Gun Rights Advocates ‘Delusional’

in 2nd Amendment – R2KBA, Authors, Brent McCluskey, Current Events, This Week

A shootout between possible gang members that took place just before Brooklyn’s West Indian Day Parade left one innocent bystander dead, and now Gov. Cuomo is pleading with the state and the nation to “come to its senses with gun violence.”

Cuomo spoke Monday about 43-year-old Carey Gabay, the lawyer who was fatally shot in the head during the shootout. Cuomo spoke kindly of the talented lawyer and expressed his sympathies, but ultimately admitted there’s “nothing I can do” about gun violence and put the onus for a solution on the nation as a whole.

“We passed the toughest gun control law in the nation, called the SAFE Act, and I am proud of it,” Cuomo said. “Anyone who doesn’t believe we need to do something about gun control is delusional.”

The circumstance surrounding the shooting are still being brought to light, but what is known is that it took place around 3:40 a.m. and that nearly 30 shots were fired.

Cuomo proposed there is a way to retain gun rights while also restricting them, but didn’t specifically say how that would happen.

“We can protect the Second Amendment and legitimate gun owners, but we also need to protect people. How many young innocent people need to die before this nation comes to its senses? And this is a terrible, terrible painful loss, and all unnecessary.”

The shootout was but one of many violent acts committed before the parade. There were also several other altercations and a fatal stabbing, but Cuomo claimed gun violence kills more than any other type of violence.

“There’s violence in the city of New York, right? There’s violence around the parade, but there’s violence all around this country. And violence is one thing – gun violence kills, more than violence with anything else. And we’ve learned the lesson. How many mentally ill people have to get a gun and kill young children? How many criminals have to get a gun and kill innocent people before this nation is going to say we have to do something?

Ultimately, Cuomo admitted there is only so much he can do as governor to secure the state, and said that unless something is done on a national level, guns will continue to trickle across the borders.

“I’m proud of what we did in the state. But unless you do something nationwide, we’re getting guns in this state from other state. And it is a terrible, terrible, painful loss.”

(This article was a submission from freelance writer Brent Rogers)

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