Freedom Hunters Auctioning Off Freedom Guitar!

in Authors, Interviews, S.H. Blannelberry, SHOT Show 2015, This Week

While waiting in a line to interview one of the celebrities at SHOT Show 2015, I ran into this gentleman from Freedom Hunters. We started talking about the guitar he was toting and then I said, “Stop, let’s get this on camera.” So we did.

As you can see, the “Freedom Guitar” is an awesome idea with an awesome collection of signatures from some of the bravest men and women to serve this country. When will Freedom Hunters begin the raffle or auction for the Freedom Guitar?

Don’t have an answer to that question just yet, but when I do I’ll update this post. You can also follow the group on Facebook or monitor its website for updates.

About Freedom Hunters:

Freedom Hunters is a Military Outreach program dedicated to honoring those who protect our Freedoms. Our mission is to salute the noble work of our courageous men and women of our Armed Forces. Freedom Hunters reflects the outdoor community’s appreciation to our troops by taking: select active duty and combat veterans, families of fallen heroes, children of the deployed, as well as those wounded or injured, on outdoor adventures. Freedom Hunters mission is empowered by the generous support of many: sportsmen, conservation groups, state agencies, outfitters, corporations, and land owners.

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