Green Beret Shows Us How to ‘Shoot Without Looking Like a Toolbox’

in Authors, Basic Skills, Current Events, S.H. Blannelberry, Shoot Better

Shooting doesn’t have to be this mysterious discipline where proper technique is something that’s only gleaned over many, many years of practice.  On the contrary, learning how to shoot well can be rather easy — especially if you have the right teacher.

GunsAmerica contributor Clay Martin demonstrates this in a video he made called “Stance & Pants” for his Youtube Channel.  He shows us the best way to stand and shoot with a rifle.  Spoiler alert!  Forget what those internet mall ninjas tell you, it’s not that complicated!

Watch and enjoy!

Also, check out Clay’s recent review of the Colt Delta Elite chambered in 10mm.

About the author (in his own words): I served in two branches of service, the USMC and the Army. In Mother Corps, I was in the infantry, a Scout/ Sniper, and a Recon Marine. I spent my last year on the all-expenses-paid-cruise-ship USS Nassau, culminating with the invasion of Iraq.

In the Army, I was a Green Beret, with most of my career spent in 3rd Special Forces Group. I was an Operational Detachment Alpha (ODA) Communications SGT, Intelligence SGT, and finally Team SGT. I was in a Direct Action unit, and I spent time on both the assault and sniper sides of the house. My last assignment I taught Special Forces Advanced Urban Combat and Low Visibility Operator for 3 years. I retired in 2013.

In addition to blasting peoples’ faces off, I have shot a lot of paper/steel as a competitor. I have shot most of the major 3 Gun matches on the circuit, and currently hold a Master Rating in USPSA production. I don’t shoot IDPA because they don’t make a fishing vest in Barrel Chested Freedom Fighter size. When I’m not writing for GunsAmerica, I teach gunfighting through my company Off The Reservation, and occasionally run my mouth via Facebook.

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