FNH Announces Two New ARs for the Commercial Market—SHOT Show 2014

in Authors, Paul Helinski, Rifles, SHOT Show 2014


The trans Atlantic relationship between US gun manufacturers and the Belgian company FNH began in 1897. John M. Browning took a number of his designs to FNH, where they were put into production. Today, you’ll find an FNH plant in Columbia, SC, where many of the company’s guns are manufactured. FNH introduced two new guns at this year’s SHOT Show – the FN 15 Rifle and the FN 15 Carbine. Although the company built these guns for law enforcement and the military for many years, these are their first semi automatic variants of the M16 and M4 that FNH has built for the commercial market. The guns both have hard anodized aluminum alloy lowers with carbon steel, chrome lined barrels. The rifle has a 20” barrel while the carbine barrel is 16” long. But it isn’t the form factor of the gun that sets them apart, it’s the meticulous attention to quality that makes the FN 15s so exceptional. FNH’s quality control extends throughout the manufacturing process, including metal particle inspection, sometimes referred to as magnafluxing, which can reveal microscopic irregularities in the metal. It culminates in the exceptional fit and finish of which FNH is so rightly proud. See them for yourself at https://www.fnhusa.com/.


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