Finally an Adjustable Bump Stock! – $299 SlideFire SSAR-15 MOD – Machinegun Speeds – Full Review

in Authors, Paul Helinski

SlideFire SSAR-15 MOD Adjustable Bump Stock $299NOTE: Apparently the $239 price was a “holiday” special, even though it was still there last night January 3rd. As of mid-day today it is back up to $299.

Officially the new feature of the SlideFire SSAR-15 MOD stock is the adjustable buttpad, but I see it more of a toy that has come of age and turned into a genuine tactical tool.

Officially the new feature of the SlideFire SSAR-15 MOD stock is the adjustable buttpad, but I see it more of a toy that has come of age and turned into a genuine tactical tool.

I have been waiting a long time for the bump stock to come of age. When I first encountered the SlideFire SSAR-15 back in 2011, it was relatively unknown. My article actually sold more stocks in one day, and picked up more dealers, than all of the other press that SlideFire had received prior to that, combined. It was the beginning of full auto speeds for the masses, no NFA tax certificate or 6 month wait required. Back then the stock was $350, for what really was just two pieces of plastic, but we all bought them, and for good reason. As my original article explained, the original product did come with a “BATFE letter,” but none of us knew how long that would last, and we all wanted one before “they banned it.” Well, they never did lol. And go figure we now have a much more mature product, with a rock solid feel, great ergonomics and excellent fit and finish. When I first wrote this article, the price had been reduced too $239, and that was in the title of the article, but it is back up to $299. This is still a worthy buy recommendation, and I suspect they are going to still run out at that price. If you want one in the near term I would not hesitate to buy it for full price. I don’t think the special price is going to
This switch turns the bump on and off, and when it is locked down, the stock doesn't move at all, unlike the original SlideFire and subsequent copies.

This switch turns the bump on and off, and when it is locked down, the stock doesn’t move at all, unlike the original SlideFire and subsequent copies.

Please take a look at the video. I trimmed it down as much as I could, and the only thing left out is installation. To install a SlideFire you just unscrew the hand guard, being very careful to not lose the selector/safety spring. Then you install the slide block in place of the grip, and slide your stock on.

This adjustable stock will be a genuine pleasure for those of us who are fans of bump fire, and if you haven’t bought a bump stock before, go spend the $239 on this one. It is more expensive than the copies out there, but as you can see from the video, this new MOD stock takes bump fire from a toy that makes you crack up laughing (everyone does the first time), and turns it into a genuine tactical tool. If you don’t want to use the bumpfire, just turn it off. The stock itself is rock solid, fees great, and adjusts to your length of pull.

As you'll see in the video, the finger rest is now removable, so you can completely remove the bump feature altogether into the feel of a regular high end AR stock.

As you’ll see in the video, the finger rest is now removable, so you can completely remove the bump feature altogether into the feel of a regular high end AR stock.

If there is a downside, I think it is that the removable finger rest, which is the core of the stock, is a little bit thin and pushes out a little too easily. For me it isn’t a deal killer, and I’ll be leaving this MOD stock on my ready rifle, which is a Colt. If you buy one accessory for your AR-15, make it this new MOD stock from SlideFire. You won’t regret it, I promise.

I actually removed a bump stock from this rifle, and the new slide block is slightly different in size. Just remember that you have to be careful with the selector/safety spring.

I actually removed a bump stock from this rifle, and the new slide block is slightly different in size. Just remember that you have to be careful with the selector/safety spring.

The kit comes with its own screw that you need to replace your larger headed grip screw with.

The kit comes with its own screw that you need to replace your larger headed grip screw with.

The only thumbs down on the kit is that the finger rest, because it is removable, is not a positive rest, You can bump it out of the way by mistake with your finger. Not a deal killer though.

The only thumbs down on the kit is that the finger rest, because it is removable, is not a positive rest, You can bump it out of the way by mistake with your finger. Not a deal killer though.

As you'll see from the video, bump fire does take some practice if you want to dump whole mags, or control squeeze offs of a few shots, but once you get it, the overall recoil and muzzle rise is far superior to a true AR-15/M-16 machinegun feel.

As you’ll see from the video, bump fire does take some practice if you want to dump whole mags, or control squeeze offs of a few shots, but once you get it, the overall recoil and muzzle rise is far superior to a true AR-15/M-16 machinegun feel.

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