Filmmakers Call to Ban Guns On Set, Switch to Airsoft 

in Current Events, This Week, Uncategorized

Alec Baldwin fatally shot cinematographer Halyna Hutchins and wounded director Joel Souza last Thursday with a “prop firearm” loaded with a “live round” while rehearsing a scene for the movie “Rust.” 

The investigation is still ongoing as to how exactly the deadly accident went down.  Currently, we have way more questions than answers.  A few that come immediately to mind:

  • How does something like this even happen on a professional movie set?  
  • How did Baldwin manage to shoot two people with one blank round or did he fire the gun multiple times?  
  • To what extent should Baldwin be held responsible, both as a producer of the film and as the individual who pulled the trigger? 
  • Are the reports true that indicate there were previous safety violations on set, including two accidental discharges of prop guns that were supposed to be “cold” (completely empty) on Oct. 16?
  • What about the claims that certain crew members walked off set during filming because they felt unsafe due to COVID-19 protocols not being followed and those aforementioned accidental discharges?  

While we wait for the dust to settle, social media is abuzz with reactions.   In fact, in Hollywood, several filmmakers have said it’s time to abandon firearms with blanks altogether.  

“Mare of Easttown” director Craig Zobel put the following on Twitter: 

Eric Kripke, the showrunner of “The Boys” vowed that he would never use blanks on “any of my sets ever.” Instead, he’ll switch to “VFX muzzle flashes.”

Production designer Ben Rockula also suggested moving exclusively to airsoft when filming.

At some point though, one has to wonder when it’s time to start blaming the person(s) handling the tool, and not the tool itself. This has been the sentiment from many within the gun community.

Emily Miller, author of the book, “Emily Gets Her Gun: But Obama Wants to Take Yours,” was quick to put the blame squarely on the shoulders of Alec Baldwin.

News Editor Jack Posobiec had this to say about what he’s hearing from gun owners:

While the conversation is bound to continue as more news unfolds, there are certain inconvenient truths for Baldwin specifically, as he has been one to profit off of glamorizing violence in films while, at the same time, demonizing law-abiding gun owners and organizations that teach gun safety.

For example, Baldwin was part of an Everytown for Gun Safety stunt in 2018 called, “NoRA” or “No Rifle Association.” In a letter addressed to the National Rifle Association, Baldwin along with several other Hollywood elites threatened the livelihood of the organization.

“Your time signing checks in our blood is up,” they wrote. “We'[r]e a diverse, non-partisan coalition of activists, artists, celebrities, writers, gun violence survivors, and policy experts. We’re going to shine a bright light on what you and your organization do to America…We’re coming for your money. We’re coming for your puppets. And we’re going to win.”

It goes without saying but Baldwin should be the last person joining a crusade to eradicate what is arguably the largest gun safety organization in the world. Recent events should remind everyone that we need more people that know how to safely and responsibly use firearms, not fewer. And that is, in part, the mission of the NRA and its five million members.

One other bit of tragic irony is this tweet posted by Baldwin in 2017. Many on social media are now throwing this back in Baldwin’s face:

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