Female Permit Holder Who Shot At Fleeing Shoplifter Sentenced

in Authors, Current Events, Defensive Use of Firearms, Rapid Fire, S.H. Blannelberry, This Week

When a loss prevention Home Depot employee in Auburn Hills, Michigan failed to stop a shoplifter exiting the store back in October, a woman with a concealed carry decided to intervene.

Unfortunately, the woman, identified as 46-year-old Tatiana Duva-Rodriguez, did not exercise sound judgment when she confronted the suspect who was already in his vehicle fleeing the scene — she opened fire.

Last Wednesday, Duva-Rodriguez was sentenced to 18 months of probation after pleading no-contest to reckless discharge of a firearm.

“I made a decision in a split second,” the Clarkston woman told a judge. “Maybe it was not the right one, but I was trying to help.”

The judge accepted Duva-Rodriguez’s claim that her intentions were good. However, the judge questioned the decision to fire upon a moving vehicle.

“I don’t believe any malice was involved in what you were doing, but I believe you have to think about what could have happened,” Judge Julie Nicholson said.

As part of the punishment, Duva-Rodriguez’s concealed carry permit was revoked until at least 2023. After leaving the courtroom, Duva-Rodriguez expressed dismay at the decision.

“I tried to help, and I learned my lesson that I will never help anybody again,” she told the media.

What are your thoughts?  Does the punishment fit the crime?

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