Exclusive: Interview with Donald Rumsfeld

in Authors, Interviews, S.H. Blannelberry, This Week

At the 2015 NRA Annual Meetings in Nashville, Tennessee, I had the opportunity to meet former Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld.

Depending on your political persuasion, you’re either like, “Wow, that’s awesome!” or “I hate that prevaricating ass clown.”

Rumsfeld's 1954 yearbook portrait.  (Photo: Princeton)

Rumsfeld’s 1954 yearbook portrait. (Photo: Princeton)

Then again, maybe some of you fall in between the two extremes and believe he is flawed just like every other public servant. He’s done some good things, some bad things and some things that we’re just not quite sure of.

I probably fall in that latter category, that is, somewhere in the middle. I don’t love the guy but I don’t hate him either. What I will say is that he is certainly an intriguing figure in American politics, and he was really nice in person! Nicer than one might think, especially considering his reputation.

Nixon, in 1971 was recorded as saying, “at least Rummy is tough enough” and “He’s a ruthless little bastard. You can be sure of that.”

He didn’t appear all that “ruthless.” He was rather soft-spoken and quite gentle in his demeanor. Also, very articulate. I was watching him sign autographs and talk to fans and he was very generous and very accommodating. Like I said, a nice guy.

Admittedly, the interview is not really an interview but more of his quick thoughts on the Second Amendment, his connection to guns and the NRA show. Hopefully, you find it amusing.

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