Everytown’s Executive Action Wishlist for the Biden-Harris Administration

in 2nd Amendment – R2KBA, Current Events, S.H. Blannelberry, This Week
Everytown’s Executive Action Wishlist for the Biden-Harris Administration
Former New York City Mayor Mike Bloomberg. (Photo: Everytown for Gun Safety)

The gun prohibitionists lobby wants President Biden and Vice President Harris to foist gun control on the American people via executive fiat.

On Thursday, the Bloomberg-funded Everytown for Gun Safety referenced its “overview” of what the administration can do now to infringe on one’s right to keep and bear arms.  

The full document is embedded below but the three “key actions” Everytown is pushing this week are as follows (per their language):

  • Expanding our background check laws to clearly cover more gun sellers: The law as it’s written says you must get a federal gun dealer license and conduct background checks if you are “in the business” of selling firearms, but the term is vaguely defined, meaning that right now, people selling multiple guns per year are not taking those steps and are selling their guns without a background check. An executive action could clarify that the term “in the business” should presumptively apply to anyone offering five or more firearms a year, thus limiting the number of gun sales that take place with no background check and no questions asked. 
  • Eliminating the market for deadly, untraceable ghost guns: Ghost guns are do-it-yourself, homemade guns with parts that can be purchased without a background check or a serial number –– and they have emerged as a weapon of choice for violent criminals, gun traffickers, dangerous extremists, and, generally, people legally prohibited from buying firearms. Fortunately, the Biden-Harris administration can shut down the no-questions-asked marketplace for ghost gun parts and kits by directing the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) to ensure our gun laws cover all firearms, including the core parts and kits used to build untraceable ghost guns. If the administration does so, companies engaged in the business of selling these parts and kits would need to get a federal license, put serial numbers on the products, and conduct background checks on buyers –– the same process as for those who are engaged in the business of selling any other firearms. 
  • Dramatically increasing funding to combat skyrocketing city gun violence: City gun violence has intensified throughout the pandemic, with a sharp spike in homicides and nonfatal shootings — violence often concentrated within underserved neighborhoods and among small social networks. The administration can address this by unlocking hundreds of millions of dollars for evidence-informed community-based violence intervention programs through the American Rescue Plan and existing grant programs run by the Bureau of Justice Assistance, the Office for Victims of Crime, and the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). 

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