Everytown Slams 2A Sanctuary Movement: ‘They’re Ripping Apart the Constitution’

in 2nd Amendment – R2KBA, Authors, Current Events, S.H. Blannelberry, This Week
Everytown Slams 2A Sanctuary Movement: ‘They’re Ripping Apart the Constitution’
(Photo: Everytown for Gun Safety/Facebook)

Leaders from Bloomberg’s gun-control organization this week are slamming the 2A sanctuary movement and urging sheriffs around the country to condemn any local government that refuses to enforce “democratically-enacted gun violence prevention laws.” 

In a letter addressed to the National Sheriffs’ Association, the National Association of Counties, the Major County Sheriffs of America, the International Association of Chiefs of Police, the Major Cities Chiefs Association and the National League of Cities, Everytown for Gun Safety made its case for law and order.  

“We ask that you join us in condemning these actions in the strongest possible terms, and in reaffirming that it is every sheriff’s constitutional and legal duty to carry out and enforce duly enacted laws — including gun safety laws — whether or not they personally agree with those laws,” states the letter. 

Second Amendment Sanctuary jurisdictions are popping up across the country.  Virginia has as many as 75, with more in play, and Texas has 34 and counting.  

Fundamentally, the movement asserts that the Constitution is clear on one’s right to keep and bear arms: it shall not be infringed.

Gun-control legislation, including confiscatory bans on modern sporting rifles or standard capacity magazines, is infringement.  Disarming law-abiding citizens, either by force or systematically by making once lawful property unlawful, is infringement.  

SEE ALSO: Other States Watch Virginia as 2A Sanctuary Movement Grows, Militia Mobilizes

Yet, the leaders of Everytown for Gun Safety and Moms Demand Action don’t see it that way.  They believe that their gun-banning agenda jives with what the Founders and Framers wrote in what is the supreme law of the United States.  

“These local officials may say they’re ‘defending the constitution,’ but they’re actually ripping it apart,” said John Feinblatt, president of Everytown for Gun Safety Support Fund. “Americans expect our sheriffs and law enforcement to uphold their oaths, respect the will of the people, and enforce the laws of their states — and that most definitely includes life-saving gun safety laws.”

Moms Demand Action Founder Shannon Watts, added, “These so-called ‘Sanctuary Counties’ fly in the face of our Democratic norms and threaten to defy the will of the people who support gun sense reform,” 

“The laws these localities are threatening to refuse to enforce, like red flag laws, have already been ruled constitutional — and have been proven to save lives,” she continued. “Instead of cutting them off at the knees, we should let law enforcement officers do their jobs and use every tool possible to keep families safe.”

You can read the full letter below:

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