Magwell vs. Wristover AR-15 Holds – Enough Silliness!

in Authors, Basic Skills, S.H. Blannelberry, Shoot Better

What’s the correct way to hold your AR-15?  Probably better stated, what’s the optimal way to hold your AR-15 if you want to maximize accuracy and mitigate muzzle flip?

Well, firearms instructor and GunsAmerica contributor Clay Martin breaks it down for you in the video above.

Now, I don’t want to give you any spoilers, but here’s a tip from the video, you don’t want to look as though you’re trying to pay the rent. LOL.  Trust me, it makes sense if you watch it.

Enjoy the video and as always, feel free to leave Clay some feedback in the comment section.  You can also read Clay’s latest gun reviews and columns by clicking on the links below:

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