Getting Closer to the Edge

in Sam Trisler, Uncategorized
The Edge is a four barreled pistol now being chambered in centerfire variations.

The Edge is a four barreled pistol now being chambered in centerfire variations.

Remember the Reliant from Edge arms that made a stir about a year ago? It’s the 4 barreled badass, if that helps jog your memory. When Edge Arms originally announced the Reliant, it was chambered in .22 win mag. During testing the engineers ran into a few reliability issues with the rim fire ammo, which slowed things down.

Now they are holding off on the .22 version and will be launching a centerfire version, instead.   The Reliant will be chambered in .32 HR Mag, .32 ACP, .380 ACP and .38 Special +P. They will offer interchangeable barrels for each of these calibers. The example we got to check out felt good and solid.

Check out the photo of how the “revolving” firing pin system works. It reminds me of a Webley-Fosbery cylinder–but on the inside, so it shouldn’t get gummed up with dirt.

How will the new gun change things? At the very least, it gives one more option. Now you can choose between a mouse gun, a belly gun, an old school derringer or a variety of multi-barreled guns. Variety is always good. So is reliability.  We are looking forward to seeing how they perform. Edge Arms said to expect a March 2015 ship date.[one_half]

Cleaning and maintanence is easy thanks to the flat working surfaces.

Cleaning and maintanence is easy thanks to the flat working surfaces.


The design isn't new, though the technology used to produce it is.

The design isn’t new, though the technology used to produce it is.



Edge--another gun coming out of Tennessee.

Edge–another gun coming out of Tennessee.


The working end makes an impression.

The working end makes an impression.



Load four, eject four.

Load four, eject four. If only there was an option to fire four at once….


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