A Gun Vault for Your Car, EAA’s Car Abdo — SHOT Show 2017

in Authors, Clay Martin, SHOT Show 2017

For more information, check out the EAA website.


How to store your gun in the car is a challenge many people face. Not all of us are allowed to take them into our workplace (it’s a fireable offense at Off The Reservation not to bring one to work, but then our CEO is awesome), and for some people in certain situations, it’s just not right to take them to social functions.

Some people don’t carry on their person at all, and that also brings up the potential problem of leaving untrained personnel in the car with the hand cannon.

EAA has solved this with a pretty innovative solution.

A Gun Vault for Your Car, EAA's Car Abdo -- SHOT Show 2017

You can see the key fob.


  • Larger Body Designed to Fit a Wider Array of Pistols
  • Garage Door Protector Shield
  • Key Pad for Pin Entry
  • Key Fab for Fast Access Proximity Entry
  • Tough and Durable Polymer Body Keeps Your Pistol Secure
  • Spring Loaded Retention Holster


The Car Abdo is essentially a lockable gun vault in your car, the entire system runs off of a fob.

The Abdo has many built-in features, such as tracking should your car be stolen, and alerts on your phone if access is attempted.

When the system is armed, though, watch out. With the push of a button, the vault slams open, and a spring loaded system shoots your gun into your grip.

This solution isn’t going to be right for everyone, but it is a nice option to have.

A Gun Vault for Your Car, EAA's Car Abdo -- SHOT Show 2017

What do you think?

Price and Availability

MSRP is still unknown, but EAA expects to have this out later in the year.

For more information, check out the EAA website.

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