Documentary: Switzerland Has 2,452,000 Guns, Here’s Why

in 2nd Amendment – R2KBA, Current Events, This Week, Uncategorized

Estimated reading time: 2 minutes

Fascinating youtube documentary on Swiss gun culture (see above). I had no idea that the Swiss also referenced “well regulated militias” way before the American Revolution. But it overthinks its central question on how Swiss gun culture differs from American gun culture, and whether those differences determine the massively different levels of violence in each country.

Simply put, the Swiss aren’t more peaceful than us because of a “better” gun culture focused on duty instead of liberty, like he argues. The Swiss are more peaceful because of a stronger civil society, more ties between people, and strict enforcement of social norms. In other words, a better culture generally, not a better “gun culture” specifically. Americans increasingly have nothing in common with each other, and that erodes society in dramatic ways, including crime.

SEE ALSO: Gun Control Senators Ignore Criminals to Treat Guns As A Disease

The video concludes with the usual gun control propaganda. It points fingers at “crazy gun rights people” (scary montage included), when most gun-related crime is not done by such people. It also does the whole “individual right is a modern invention” lie, ignoring the lengthy history of commentary confirming the individual right (see my pinned thread). And for all the complaints about the individual right, the Swiss effectively have that too, even if not codified. The country’s gun laws are less onerous than some US jurisductions.

I’d also take issue with some other assertions, like his claim that the Second Amendment exists to protect the government from invasion or insurrection. That CAN be true, but lots of writings show the founders were also concerned with the government itself becoming tyrannical, and the 2A exists to deal with that too. Overall, an interesting video for the portions that focus on Switzerland. And perhaps there are some ideas we should borrow from Switzerland in terms of bringing back a sense of national duty.

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