Dave Bautista Defends Biden’s Record on Guns, Calls People ‘Idiots’ For Using AR-15 for Self-Defense

in Authors, Current Events, Jordan Michaels, This Week
Dave Bautista Defends Biden’s Record on Guns, Calls People 'Idiots' For Using AR-15 for Self-Defense
Dave Bautista believes Joe Biden is pro-Second Amendment. (Photo: Dave Bautista Facebook)

Actor and professional wrestler Dave Bautista took aim at gun owners in a barrage of tweets last week aimed at convincing his followers that Joe Biden will not be a threat to the Second Amendment.

“My fellow gun owners!” Bautista tweeted. “@JoeBiden is PRO 2ND AMENDMENT. He wants gun reform: a ban on assault rifles and a VOLUNTARY buyback of assault rifles owned. This is FAIR. This will SAVE LIVES. I don’t need to overcompensate w/an AR-15. Your right to bear arms is SAFE w/ #BidenHarris2020.”

Bautista argues that Americans don’t “need” AR-type rifles to defend themselves in their homes.

“That’s all I’m trying to say,” Bautista said. “Just trying to be a part of the solution. I’m confused as hell why Americans wouldn’t want to get on board with trying to save the lives of AMERICANS. We’re not losing anything we NEED. The arguments I’ve seen are purely ego-driven, not pro 2nd.” He continued, “If you’re weapon next to your bed is an AR you’re an idiot. If someone invades your home and your running to get your AR then you’re a fucking idiot. If youre in a home setting with multiple attackers and you’re trying to defend yourself with an AR then you’re a fucking idiot.”

SEE ALSO: Florida Woman Fatally Shoots Home Invader w/ AR-15

“Point is that contrary to Trumps continuous lies that @JoeBiden wants to abolish the 2nd Amendment, he in fact does not,” Bautista said. “Where people stand on the details of his policy is not my problem. My personal stance is that if the details will save lives, I’m in.”

Bautista doesn’t appear to be aware that multiple-intruder home invasions happen all the time – and some homeowners have successfully repelled these attacks with AR-type rifles.

Back in August, we reported five multiple-intruder home invasions that occurred in the news over the course of just five days. These incidents were easy to find with a simple online search – the real number was likely much higher.

SEE ALSO: Multiple Teen Burglars Shot Dead by Homeowner’s Son with AR-15

Many people have used AR-15s to defend themselves at home. In 2017, a man shot and killed three intruders using an AR-15, and in 2019, a disabled veteran used an AR-15 to defend himself against four intruders.

Bautista joins another gun-owning celebrity who has tried to defend Biden’s gun confiscation scheme. Pink’s husband and motocross freestyler Carey Hart took to Twitter recently to argue that gun owners should vote for Biden over Donald Trump.

“[The Second Amendment] is a constitutional right, and no two people (Biden and Beto) can take that away. I for one think there needs to be stricter gun laws, ‘cause guess what? That won’t affect me because I’m a law-abiding citizen,” he said.

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