Mag Retention Drills #GunfightScience – Off The Reservation

in Authors, Basic Skills, S.H. Blannelberry, Shoot Better

Reloading with retention?  What exactly does that mean?

Well, in the (NSFW) video above Clay discusses not only what it means to reload with retention, but also situations where reloading with retention makes sense and situations where reloading with retention is not a high priority.

To test your knowledge of the subject, here is a pop quiz:  Of the three, who should be the most mindful to reload with retention?

  1. The law-abiding citizen
  2. The police officer
  3. The soldier

Place your answer in the comment section below along with a brief explanation before you watch the video.  Then, see if you’re correct.  There’s no shame in being wrong, BTW.

Also, check out Clay’s last video on reloading: Clay: Three Ways to Practice One-Handed Reloads

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