Chris Loesch: ‘Shannon Watts Should Be Ashamed of Herself’

in Authors, Interviews, S.H. Blannelberry, SHOT Show 2015, This Week

I’m not going to lie, at SHOT Show 2015 in Las Vegas, Nevada, I wanted to interview Dana Loesch, conservative radio host, contributor to The Blaze and author most recently of “Hands Off My Gun.”

Unfortunately for me Dana is a very busy person. But I did get to speak with her husband Chris Loesch, as he eloquently put it, “The man behind the woman who is more of a man than most men.” Indeed!

Chris is a cool dude and a lot like you and me in that he has a deep and abiding love for firearms. As an avid hunter, sportsmen and firearms enthusiast, Chris was totally “geeked” by SHOT, all the new guns, gear, optics, etc. had him reeling. We know the feeling.

In addition to broadcasting “The Dana Show” live from SHOT, the couple was there to promote a very worthy cause: The National Shooting Sports Foundation’s Project ChildSafe. If you’re unfamiliar with the initiative, here are some facts about Project ChildSafe:

  • The goal of Project ChildSafe® is to help gun owners take proper steps to ensure their families and communities are safer when firearms are stored in the home.
  • Project ChildSafe® provides responsible gun owners with the tools and information they need to securely store their guns away from children, at-risk individuals and criminals.
  • Project ChildSafe® has partnered with 15,000 law enforcement agencies in communities across the country.
  • Since 2003, 36 million firearm safety kits (including a cable-style gun locking device, lock-installment instructions and a safety booklet have been distributed free of charge to gun owners through partnerships with law enforcement in all 50 states and five U.S. territories.
  • Every day, NSSF receives 5-10 new requests for hundreds of firearm safety kits from law enforcement agencies.
  • Fatal firearms accidents in all age groups dropped by 22 percent between 2000 and 2010, according to the National Safety Council.
  • They now constitute less than one percent of all fatal accidents in the U.S.
  • In 2013, NSSF announced an additional $1 million commitment to Project ChildSafe, which will provide hundreds of thousands of new, free safety kits to gun owners throughout the country.

As Chris points out in the interview, Project ChildSafe is something that everyone should contribute to regardless of where they fall with respect to the gun debate as federal funding for the program was cut in 2008. Now, Project ChildSafe has been sponsored solely by the firearms industry through NSSF.

Dana Loesch holding a copy of her new book, "Hands off My Gun."  (Photo: The Blaze)

Dana Loesch holding a copy of her new book, “Hands off My Gun.” (Photo: The Blaze)

Who has a lot of money that could help to make a difference and really save lives? Chris had a good answer to that question.

“Shannon Watts [Founder of Moms Demand Action] should be ashamed of herself for taking $50 million from Bloomberg and not putting one red cent towards a program that actually does something to keep children safe,” said Chris.

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