Police State

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Democratic Rep: 'Don’t Want to Give Up Your Guns? We’ll Nuke You!'

Democratic Rep: ‘Don’t Want to Give Up Your Guns? We’ll Nuke You!’

California Rep. Eric Swalwell (D) believes an “assault weapons” ban isn’t enough. He wants to confiscate all semi-automatic rifles, and he’s willing to use any means necessary to achieve his gun-free utopic vision.

Maryland Police Fatally Shoot Man While Trying to Confiscate Firearms

Maryland Police Fatally Shoot Man While Trying to Confiscate Firearms

“I’m just dumbfounded right now,” she said. “My uncle wouldn’t hurt anybody. They didn’t need to do what they did.”

Connecticut Town Bans Home Manufactured 'Ghost Guns,' Violators Face $250/Day Fine

Connecticut Town Bans Home Manufactured ‘Ghost Guns,’ Violators Face $250/Day Fine

Manufacturing firearms at home for personal use is perfectly legal, according to the federal government. But not according to Bridgeport, Connecticut, whose mayor recently signed a measure that would levy a $250/day fine to anyone caught in the possession of a “ghost gun.”

Gov. Cuomo Calls NRA Carry Guard 'Murder Insurance'

Gov. Cuomo Calls NRA Carry Guard ‘Murder Insurance’

“It would be highly unusual for a state to allow an insurance company to reimburse for an illegal activity. They call it ‘murder insurance,'” the governor told CNN.

Florida Sheriff Creates 5-Man Confiscation Squad to Handle Numerous 'Red Flag' Protection Orders

Florida Sheriff Creates 5-Man Confiscation Squad to Handle Numerous ‘Red Flag’ Protection Orders

“I think we’re doing this because it makes us feel safer,” Parris said. “[The problem is that] it violates the Constitution.”

Toronto Mayor: 'Why does anyone… need to have a gun at all?'

Toronto Mayor: ‘Why does anyone… need to have a gun at all?’

No details have emerged about the murderer who killed two and injured 12 last night in Toronto, but that hasn’t stopped the city’s highest officials from leveraging the attack to support their anti-gun agenda.

Exclusive: Public Records Prove California Gun Registration Was a Total Disaster

Exclusive: Public Records Prove California Gun Registration Was a Total Disaster

No one is surprised that the California gun registration website crashed and burned last week, but that doesn’t make it any better for the thousands of Golden State gun owners who unwillingly (or unwittingly) became criminals on July 1.

Exclusive: How the FBI’s Bureaucratic Incompetence is Denying Citizens Their 2A Rights

Exclusive: How the FBI’s Bureaucratic Incompetence is Denying Citizens Their 2A Rights

“The FBI has taken this absurd position that, ‘We’re not going to process this appeal because it’s not for a Title I firearm,’” he explained. “They say that for the NFA, it’s completely different. You don’t have a right to appeal it, so you’re basically SOL. And I think that’s just wrong.”

Korwin: Red Flag Laws Are Dangerously Flawed

Korwin: Red Flag Laws Are Dangerously Flawed

We have laws to disarm people and remove them from society of course, of course. Involuntary commitment. (Oh, but that’s an extreme measure!) Right. But this is an extreme situation we’re talking about here.

Californians Must Comply with 'Bullet Button' Registration by June 30th, 2018! Or else...

Californians Must Comply with ‘Bullet Button’ Registration by June 30th, 2018! Or else…

Californians in possession of rifles outfitted with “bullet buttons” must register their firearms with the state’s Department of Justice by 11:59:59 on June 30 to avoid breaking the law or being forced to disassemble or modify their rifles.