Police State

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Real Time: A 'Dirty Little Secret' About Cops...

Real Time: A ‘Dirty Little Secret’ About Cops…

“Here’s a dirty little secret about cops, they don’t really get much training on how to use their weapons,” said Brooks, who recently appeared on HBO’s Real Time with Bill Maher.

Albert Patterson, the British SAS, and Gun Control Gone Mad

Albert Patterson, the British SAS, and Gun Control Gone Mad

Elected officials who wouldn’t know a gas tube from a sling swivel weaponize the latest headlines and pontificate accordingly, the Constitution be damned.

Everytown Introduces New Gun Tracking Software in Baltimore

Everytown Introduces New Gun Tracking Software in Baltimore

The anti-gun group Everytown for Gun Safety is partnering with the city of Baltimore to pilot a new gun tracking software that purports to help police locate gun dealers selling firearms to criminals.

ATF Encroaching on 'Solvent Traps' and DIY Suppressor Components

ATF Encroaching on ‘Solvent Traps’ and DIY Suppressor Components

The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, the BATFE or ATF, recently raided solvent trap manufacturer Diversified Machine among a string of raids targeting DIY gun parts suppliers.

Breonna Taylor Shooting: Another No-Knock Raid Legitimately Resisted by Armed Force

Breonna Taylor Shooting: Another No-Knock Raid Legitimately Resisted by Armed Force

Wide use of no-knock warrants is incompatible with the U.S. Constitution and the Bill of Rights. Anyone breaking into an American home in the middle of the night can reasonably expect to be met with gunfire.

Democrats Introduce Police Reform Bill

Democrats Introduce Police Reform Bill

Earlier this week House and Senate Democrats came together to unveil “The Justice in Police Act of 2020,” a sweeping law enforcement reform bill aimed at reducing police brutality and violence against citizens, particularly those in minority communities.

After Peaceful Virginia Rally, State Legislators Plan to Go Ahead with Gun Control Plans

After Peaceful Virginia Rally, State Legislators Plan to Go Ahead with Gun Control Plans

“I was prepared to see a whole lot more people show up than actually did and I think it’s an indication that a lot of this rhetoric is bluster, quite frankly,” said anti-gun activist Chris Hurst reports ABC 13.

ICE Asks Google, Apple to Hand Over User Data for ATN Scope App

ICE Asks Google, Apple to Hand Over User Data for ATN Scope App

“ATN has not been contacted by the Department of Justice, Apple, or Google,” they said. “ATN will protect its customers and their identifying data to the absolute extent possible under U.S. law. And, it will not provide any information regarding the identity of our customers to any third party unless specifically required by law.”

Know Your Rights: If You Disclose You Are Carrying Do You Consent to be Searched?

Know Your Rights: If You Disclose You Are Carrying Do You Consent to be Searched?

In a previous article, we examined whether you should disclose you are carrying a firearm when a law enforcement officer detains you for a traffic stop.  Generally, the advice was that you should voluntarily disclose you are carrying even if the law does not require you to do so.  A logical follow-up question is: If you voluntarily disclose that you are carrying, have you given permission for the police officer to search you or your car?

Disarmed Venezuelans Lose Momentum After Days of Conflict

Disarmed Venezuelans Lose Momentum After Days of Conflict

Interim President Juan Guaidó of Venezuela is admitting that the populist push to remove the Nicolas Maduro regime from power is losing ground.