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Never Miss Again Part V: Get Your Mind Right

Never Miss Again Part V: Get Your Mind Right

The game of shooting is mostly mental, but what we practice the most are the physical elements, hoping that our mind goes along for the ride.

Never Miss Again Part IV: Use the Right Reticle

Never Miss Again Part IV: Use the Right Reticle

For years, MOA was the more popular of the two in the US, but now 80-90% of competition shooters are using mRad and (finally) more hunters are using mRad than MOA with 55% of Leupold’s sales being mRad.

Boost Your Bowhunting Accuracy With Long Range Shooting

What long-range practice does is it makes those 40-yard-and-in-whitetail shots feel like chip shots, and when you head West, and a velvet-racked muley has his face stuffed in a herbaceous plant at 62 yards, you can draw, anchor, and execute properly.

2 - Hunt365 - Starting on the Right Foot

Starting on the Right Foot

Today, when youth interest is waning in the outdoors it’s even more important to get them outside and involved in the hunting lifestyle early and often.

Three Early-Season Turkey Setups That Won’t Fail

Three Early-Season Turkey Setups That Won’t Fail

Often from late March through the first week and a half of April, turkeys will still be in wintertime flocks. Love is on their mind for sure, but often after flying down, toms will follow a wad of hens to their morning breakfast location.

Spearfishing, the Shortest Hunting Season

Spearfishing, the Shortest Hunting Season

One of the barracuda turned and started swimming towards me then opened his mouth full of pretty intimidating teeth. The game had just changed.

5 Mistakes Hunters Make Booking Hunts

5 Mistakes Hunters Make Booking Hunts

There is nothing more exciting than finally pulling the pin, or whipping out your pocketbook on that dream hunt you’ve been saving for. Your adrenaline is high, your anticipation is mounting, and you most likely are so excited that some very simple details might not come to mind when booking your hunt.

A Christmas List For Bugging Out

My Christmas List For Carrying Guns, Bugging Out & Other Ideas

While it is nearly impossible to find a tool or load out that works best for all situations, I continually find myself creating lists of things I want and that go well together for different tasks. Mission dictates everything, and companies design dedicated gear to fit specific situations.

A Christmas List For Bugging Out

My Christmas List For Carrying Guns, Bugging Out & Other Ideas

While it is nearly impossible to find a tool or load out that works best for all situations, I continually find myself creating lists of things I want and that go well together for different tasks. Mission dictates everything, and companies design dedicated gear to fit specific situations.

An Insider Take on Supplements & Energy Drinks - Interview with Ryan Alspach (Warrior Fuel)

An Insider Take on Supplements & Energy Drinks – Interview with Ryan Alspach (Warrior Fuel)

. Sports drinks like Gatorade, energy drinks and pre/post workout powders are everywhere but it’s hard to know what works and what might be actually wrecking our bodies. It’s a multibillion-dollar industry and common sense tells us that not all the players have everyone’s best interests at heart.