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Mountain Goats and Hurricanes

Mountain Goats and Hurricanes

Steep country and mountain goats go together. The goats are built for rocky cliffs where few other animals can maneuver. Their feet are much more square than a deer or elk, and besides a hard edge

TAKE THE SHOT? The Elk of a Lifetime Presents A Shooting Dilemma - Presented by: Springfield Armory

TAKE THE SHOT? The Elk of a Lifetime Presents A Shooting Dilemma – Presented by: Springfield Armory

A once-in-a-lifetime bull elk gives a split-second opportunity for a risky shot. He’s running broadside through medium-thick old growth Quaking Aspen timber at roughly 60 yards. Do you take the shot?

TAKE THE SHOT? A Big Muley On Restricted Land Tempts the Hunter - Presented by: Springfield Armory

TAKE THE SHOT? A Big Muley On Restricted Land Tempts the Hunter – Presented by: Springfield Armory

A big muley on restricted land tempts the hunter to take a high risk shot if he moves to a narrow opening on public land. It’s a 300 yard shot with a 10 yard window for success – Do you take the shot?

The Worst Antelope Hunt Ever

The Worst Antelope Hunt Ever

I was recently on a public land antelope hunt in Colorado. Like most Colorado tags, I had waited several years to draw this tag; five to be exact. I was very excited and enthusiastic about getting out and chasing around some speed goats.

Lesson Learned the Hard Way

Lesson Learned the Hard Way

Hunting in the West is full of unique challenges that need to be prepared for. Here are a few lessons I had to learn the hard way.

The Worst April Fools Joke Ever

The Worst April Fools Joke Ever

I froze in place and looked right at the fiercest predator in North America and I was sure he was looking straight at me. His yellow eyes were wide and sharp and his ears were forward. I didn’t breathe.

The Affordable Safari; Your African Dream Hunt, Part III

The Affordable Safari; Your African Dream Hunt, Part III

The bottom line is it was an amazing trip. The service, facilities, staff, food, professional hunters, animals, weather, and just the overall welcoming and accommodating attitude of everyone associated with Marupa Safaris was fantastic.

Unforgettable Elk Hunt With the SIG CROSS Rifle in .277 SIG FURY

Unforgettable Elk Hunt With the SIG CROSS Rifle in .277 SIG FURY

Over the counter DIY elk hunt in Colorado with the SIG CROSS bolt action rifle in .277 SIG FURY.

Lessons Learned the Hard Way: Part II

Lessons Learned the Hard Way: Part II

In the middle of a hunt, it’s easy to forget to ask whether the effort is worth the reward…but forgetting comes at a price.

November Mulies? Yes, Please!

November Mulies? Yes, Please!

Enjoy the process of chasing plains mule deer. It’s super addictive!