Sam Trisler

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Smith's 460 Bone Collector Custom Shop Limited Edition - SHOT Show 2015

Smith’s 460 Bone Collector Custom Shop Limited Edition – SHOT Show 2015

The limited edition Smith and Wesson Bone Collector 460 as seen at SHOT Show 2015. This is a hand cannon.

The business end.

Coonan’s Kicking Compact .357–SHOT Show 2015

We got our first look at the Coonan Compact .357 Magnum 1911s at the SHOT Show today in Vegas. I wish I could have put some rounds through it, but the other people attending the show tend to get nervous about things like that.

Double or single action, the trigger pull is nice and smooth.

Korth’s 9mm Revolver–SHOT Show 2015

The Korth Sky Marshall may be the single most innovative 9mm revolver on the market. And I’m not talking about the exterior of the gun. This is one rimless revolver that doesn’t require moon clips, or anything extra. Check it out.

Shooting Gallery in a Box--SHOT Show 2015

Shooting Gallery in a Box–SHOT Show 2015

The Right Now Range is like a shooting gallery in a box. This is a great, and fun, target system that you can use to turn any suitable space into a range.

Selling History-Cohen and Sons of New Orleans

Selling History-Cohen and Sons of New Orleans

James H Cohen and Sons have been in the antique firearms business since 1898. If you are a collector and lover of rare guns you owe it to yourself to visit the Cohen’s shop. The store is on Royal Street in the heart of the French Quarter, and filled with the sort of guns you’d typically expect to find in a museum.

In 1814 I Took a Little Trip-- Guns from The Battle of New Orleans

In 1814 I Took a Little Trip– Guns from The Battle of New Orleans

We take a look at 5 guns that made a difference at the Battle of New Orleans 200 years ago. The British Brown Bess, the American 1795 Springfield and the rifles both sides used on line Jackson at Chalmette Plantation. No alligators minds were blown during the writing of this article.

New Ruger BX-Trigger For 10/22

New Ruger BX-Trigger For 10/22

Fans of the venerable 10/22 typically have only one gripe with the gun: the trigger. Even so, the stock triggers on 10/22s are better than much of the competition. But Ruger now offers an improved trigger for the 10/22 and Charger. The BX-Trigger is a vast improvement over the stock Ruger triggers and is incredibly easy and quick to install.

Top 5 Guns for Santa

Top 5 Guns for Santa

Ho, ho, ho. It is that time of year. Santa’s gearing up for a massive expedition. No telling what he might encounter. He’s a bit of a traditionalist, and anything but high-speed, so I’ve compiled a list of five handguns he might consider taking with him on the trip.

The New Ruger Gunsite Scout .308 Bolt Rifle - Full Review

The New Ruger Gunsite Scout .308 Bolt Rifle – Full Review

Ruger has been announcing news about their new guns on the same day they hit stores. This means you can read this review and be on the range with their new rifle this afternoon–if you’re that motivated. And you might be after you read this review. I’ve shot a lot of rifles this year, and this is one of the best.

Ruger's SASS Tricked-out Vaqueros —Cowboy Shooting

Ruger’s SASS Tricked-out Vaqueros —Cowboy Shooting

Cowboy action shooting is growing in popularity. The guns are kind of like NASCAR race cars–stock, sort of. They begin as stock guns, but get all tricked out on their way to SASS competition. Now Ruger is making matched sets of SASS ready Vaqueros that are already tricked out and ready to rock the steel bad guys. So pistoleros–strap on your chaps and dust off your Stetsons. We’re getting all cowboy in this Vaquero review.