SHOT Show 2014

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First Look: Springfield Armory XDS-9 4.0   More of a Good Thing – New Gun Review – 2014 SHOT Show

First Look: Springfield Armory XDS-9 4.0 More of a Good Thing – New Gun Review – 2014 SHOT Show

Springfield Armory is announcing a new variant of the XD-S for 2014. It is the logical next step in the evolution of the sensationally popular XD-S sub-compact format. No, it’s not a new caliber offering – it is a new barrel length! Springfield has stretched the 3.3” barrel just ever so much to an even 4 inches. Why is this significant? For starters – recoil. I obtained my copy of the XD-S in 2012 in the initial offering of .45 ACP. If you have ever fired that gun, you know that it has some “personality” to it. Simple physics I’m afraid. Less size and weight of the handgun means more felt recoil for the shooter. The 2013 introduction of the 9mm version was welcomed by many because of the reduced pressures of that round, but it still has some snap. A 4” offering of this same gun adds weight where it is needed most – out at the muzzle. This helps reduce felt recoil. The XDS-9 4.0 also has a longer sight radius; adding ¾” to the length of the slide allows Springfield to push the front sight further forward by that same distance. This translates to a more accurate sight picture and better shots. Small errors in aiming are more noticeable, and therefore easier to correct with a longer sight radius.

GunsAmerica Posting Wizard for Android Smartphones - SHOT Show 2014

GunsAmerica Posting Wizard for Android Smartphones – SHOT Show 2014

Technology can make your life easier, or create yet a new thing you have to learn for fear of falling behind. The new GunsAmerica Posting Wizard smartphone ap for Android is meant to make your life easier. We hope to follow up within a couple months with an option for Apple products, but it can be very hard to get an ap into their store. The Android ap flows just like the posting page on the main website, and includes all of the options that you will find there. Why didn’t we make an ap for browsign the website and contacting sellers? We may, if people say they want it. The problem with those aps is that you really don’t need them if the website is designed properly for smartphones, and they can be more cumbersome than just using the regular website. For posting, it is really convenient to be able to just pop a few pictures with your phone and post an ad remotely, so we decided that this posting wizard ap was worth the space in your phone if it is something that you think you will find useful. Please give it a try and let us know what you think in the comments, and also please take the time to rate it in the Google Play store. Maybe we’ll be “trending” !!