Bloomberg-Funded Everytown Spending $1 Million on Virginia Elections

in Authors, Current Events, S.H. Blannelberry
Bloomberg-Funded Everytown Spending  Million on Virginia Elections

(Photo: Everytown for Gun Safety)

Everytown for Gun Safety is dropping big bucks on the Virginia elections this November, pledging an “initial investment” of at least $1 million reports The Washington Post.

Around $700,000 is going to be spent trying to get the Democratic nominee for governor, Ralph Northam, elected while the other $300,000 will be spent on the campaign of Attorney General Mark Herring, who is running for re-election.

“We are making this initial investment because Ralph Northam and Mark Herring have been forceful champions for gun violence prevention in Virginia, while their opponents subscribe to a dangerous ‘guns everywhere’ agenda,” Brynne Craig, a senior strategist for Everytown, said in a statement.

The money will come from the Everytown for Gun Safety Action Fund, which is just another way of saying right out of Bloomberg’s pocket.

Virginia has been ground zero for the battle of over gun rights in this country. It’s one of few states that hasn’t really made up its mind on whether it’s pro-gun or anti-gun.

Current Gov. Terry McAuliffe, a Democrat, has done his best to play both sides during his tenure in office. While McAuliffe is clearly no fan of the Second Amendment, he did strike a deal last year to reverse a policy change that revoked concealed-carry reciprocity with 25 other states.

SEE ALSO: Virginia Governor’s Anti-Gun Veto will ‘Likely cost innocent lives’

In exchange for reciprocity, McAuliffe extended the reach of the state’s police to enforce existing federal laws that prevent people convicted of violent domestic abuse from buying or owning guns (something gun owners wanted anyway).

McAuliffe was chastised by John Feinblatt, the president of Everytown who said at the time, “Gov. McAuliffe should reconsider this dangerous gift to the gun lobby.”

Everytown is hoping that Northam, who is the current lieutenant governor, will not wavier in his commitment to doing the work of the dark lord.  According to his website, Northam will push to enact universal background checks, a one-gun-per-month rule, a ban on “assault weapons,” and “smaller clips.”

Bloomberg-Funded Everytown Spending  Million on Virginia Elections

A screenshot from Northam’s website.  “Smaller clips” — LOL.

All of that should be please Bloomberg, especially the “smaller clips” part.  Before you get too worried, don’t forget that the National Rifle Association also has a sizeable war chest and lineup of GOP candidates it is going to back, Ed Gillespie for governor, Jill Vogel for lieutenant governor and John Adams for attorney general.

All three have “A” ratings from the gun lobby and Chris Cox, chairman of NRA’s Political Victory Fund (NRA-PVF), sang their praises when the NRA officially came out in support of the trio last month.

“The team of Gillespie, Vogel, and Adams will ensure that law-abiding Virginians have the ability to protect and defend themselves,” said Cox. “We need to elect leaders in the Commonwealth who will support our rights. Voters need to send Bloomberg a strong, clear message — that his gun control agenda is not welcome in Virginia.”

The battle for Virginia is on!  If you live in the Commonwealth, make sure you do your part to ensure the good guys come out on top.

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