Bill Maher: No Publicity for Mass Murderers

in Current Events, This Week

Bill Maher of HBO’s “Real Time” recently argued for a total media blackout of mass killers.

“How about we have a blackout on the shooters and what they did,” said Maher during last Friday’s recording of the show.

“Yesterday was the opening of the baseball season,” he continued.  “When somebody runs out on the field the camera doesn’t show it.  They don’t give that person any publicity.  Why can’t we at least do that in this country?”

“I don’t want to hear anything about it… I don’t want to know what orientation this person is, how old they are, what their manifesto said,” Maher added. “I don’t give a shit about any of it because it’s just going to inspire the next one.”

Maher’s argument is not without merit. There is evidence to suggest that media coverage of mass shootings can contribute to the spread of copycat crimes. The phenomenon of “suicide contagion,” in which an increase in suicides is observed after a highly publicized suicide, has been well-documented. A similar effect may be at work with mass shootings.

SEE ALSO: Video Proves Bill Maher is A Closeted Pro-Gunner

Clinical psychologist Dr. Jordan Peterson concurs though he stops short of a full blackout. Instead, he simply wants the media to stop naming the killer, as GunsAmerica previously reported.

I think some details should be made public, including the motive. It’s important to understand the “why” behind these tragedies.

In the case of the Buffalo shooter, for example, it is clear he was radicalized by white supremacy. In the case of the Nashville school shooter, it appears she (or he) was motivated by anti-Christian beliefs.

Understanding the “why” helps us identify ideologies that have the potential to radicalize at-risk youths, which in turn may help us prevent future attacks.

That said, I do agree that the names of these shooters should not be made public. What are your thoughts?

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