Biden-Harris Plan Would Ban Online Gun Sales, Force Adoption of Smart Guns

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Biden-Harris Plan Would Ban Online Gun Sales, Force Adoption of Smart Guns
(Photo: Facebook/JoeBiden)

Part of the problem with the Biden-Harris plan to destroy gun rights in this country is that there is so much to it that subtler, seemingly less draconian measures go unnoticed. 

Many of us know, by now, about their desire to ban the import, sale, and manufacture of modern sporting rifles while forcing those in circulation to be regulated under the NFA, hold a national “buyback” event to round up so-called “assault weapons” and “high capacity magazines,” criminalize private transfers, and bankrupt the entire industry by rescinding the PLCAA, which protects gun makers and dealers from being held liable for the criminal misuse of their products.    

We know they’re going to aggressively pursue those policies, via executive fiat when possible, because they’ve mentioned them time and time again while on the campaign trail or during debates or when solemnly propitiating to billionaire gun-grabber Michael Bloomberg and his gun-control outfit Everytown for Gun Safety.  

But how many of you also knew the duo wanted to completely prohibit online gun and ammo sales or force the adoption of smart guns???   


  • End the online sale of firearms and ammunitions. Biden will enact legislation to prohibit all online sales of firearms, ammunition, kits, and gun parts.
  • Put America on the path to ensuring that 100% of firearms sold in America are smart guns. Today, we have the technology to allow only authorized users to fire a gun. For example, existing smart gun technology requires a fingerprint match before use. Biden believes we should work to eventually require that 100% of firearms sold in the U.S. are smart guns…

This is insanity!  Banning the online sale of firearms and ammunition is no different than banning the sale of Bibles or other religious texts on the Internet.  It’s a complete suppression of fundamental rights!

Forcing gun manufacturers and dealers to exclusively make and sell smart guns is another way to sink the entire industry.  Consumer demand for smart guns remains low because even the most cutting-edge smart gun technology has proven to be inherently unreliable.  Not only can smart guns be hacked from afar, but they can fail to activate when they are needed most.

Plus, if smart guns are truly the wave of the future, wouldn’t we by now see law enforcement and the military transitioning to them en masse?

SEE ALSO: How the History of Gun Safeties Frames the Future of Smart Guns

“The radically anti-gun ticket of Biden and Harris seeks to dismantle the right to keep and bear arms in every way possible, including taking away many methods that honest citizens currently have for acquiring firearms,” said Gun Owners of America Senior Vice President Erich Pratt in an email to GunsAmerica.  

“However, banning online sales of firearms will not stop criminals from getting weapons — given that, by definition, they do not follow the law. Ironically, despite anti-gunners’ erroneous claims, online firearm sales still require a federal background check,” he continued. “Gun owners should do everything possible to prevent a Biden-Harris presidency.”

The National Shooting Sports Foundation, the firearms industry trade association, also agreed that Biden-Harris are bad news when it comes to defending 2A rights.   

“The Biden/Harris ticket poses the greatest threat to American’s Second Amendment rights of any presidential ticket. There isn’t a gun control idea they have rejected as being too extreme or believe would infringe upon God-given individual rights,” said Mark Oliva, NSSF Director of Public Affairs in an email.  

“The campaign purposefully misrepresents online sales to have voters believe they can order firearms to be delivered to their home like any other online shopping. The truth is, and the Biden/Harris campaign refuses to acknowledge, all retail firearm sales must be completed with a face-to-face transaction that includes a successful FBI background check,” Oliva added.  

Look, it’s impossible to overstate how anti-gun the Biden-Harris ticket is.  Problem we face now is getting the word out.  For whatever reason people seem not all that concerned about Biden-Harris winning in November.  Maybe because they think Trump, who is still trailing in the polls, will pull an upset again or maybe because they think that even if Biden-Harris win the GOP will maintain control of the Senate and block any gun-control legislation with filibusters.   

I don’t share their optimism for either scenario.  Even looking at the situation in terms of best case, Trump’s chances of winning are that of a coin flip.  Would you bet the health and well-being of your 2A rights on the flip of a coin?  I wouldn’t.  

And to those who confidently say that the GOP will stand in the way of the more extreme anti-gun bills, well, there’s a lot to consider.  

First, do you trust weak-kneed Republicans to do the right thing, especially when the going gets tough, say for example, in the wake of a national tragedy?  

Second, Bloomberg is dropping $60 million on the 2020 election, a considerable portion of that money is earmarked for flipping the Senate from Red to Blue.  It’s possible that going into 2021 Dems have majorities in both chambers in addition to occupying the White House!  

SEE ALSO: Everytown Files Lawsuit Against ATF Seeking to Outlaw ‘Ghost Guns’

Third, as “president,” Harris (let’s face it, she’ll actually be running the show) has vowed to enact whatever gun control she could with executive action, thereby bypassing Congress.  We saw what President Trump was able to accomplish by going that route, a retroactive ban on bump stocks that resulted in the forced destruction of once lawfully owned property without just compensation.  Harris would be infinitely more tyrannical.  

Lastly, you have to consider the long term effect of appointing radical judges to federal courts, including the Supreme Court.  The Harris administration will undoubtedly work toward eroding one’s right to keep and bear arms over time by putting anti-gun judges on benches around the country.  Overturning Heller, which affirmed the 2A to be an individual right not connected to militia service, would not be out of the question if the wrong judges are tapped to join the high court.

Biden-Harris keep saying that this election is a battle for the soul of the nation.  They’re not wrong.  Vote for them and, in short order, this nation will have no soul.  We cannot preserve what we cannot protect.

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