BBC News: Why so many Americans love their guns?

in Authors, Rapid Fire, S.H. Blannelberry, This Week

BBC News put this video out last month. When I first saw the headline, I thought it’d be a hit job bashing gun owners and the 2A. But then I watched it, and it turns out that it’s relatively fair. It doesn’t portray gun owners in a negative light. That said, it does reference some misleading statistics on gun-related violence.

Here is a snippet from the description:

There are more than 350m legal firearms owned in the US, and it is estimated that between a third and a half of all Americans own at least one. In the first 48 days of 2016 1,556 people have died as a result of gun violence in the US. President Obama says the biggest regret of his presidency is his failure to secure effective gun laws.

As one gun owner explains in the video, one has to deconstruct gun violence statistics to get a real sense of what’s going on.  For example, roughly two-thirds of the approximate 33,000 gun deaths each year are suicides.  Rarely does this get mentioned when gun control advocates talk about “reducing gun violence” or “common sense gun control.”

Obviously, they omit this information because they want the public to believe that the gun homicide rate is way higher than it is.  If the public mistakenly believes that they are at a greater risk of being a shooting victim, they may be more inclined to support laws that restrict the Second Amendment.

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