Barrett 240 LWS Ultra-Light Machine Gun—SHOT Show 2017

in Authors, Clay Martin, SHOT Show 2017

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Barrett is one of America’s truly great weapons designers, and the new 240 LWS from the company took the cake for change this year. The 240 family of weapons has been in service with the US military since the late 70s, and it was due for an overhaul. Barrett delivered one of those in spades. The first step was moving the trigger group forward 4 inches, something most of us didn’t think could be done. This instantly allows you to shorten the buttstock by 4 inches, making a more compact weapon.

Barrett 240 LWS Ultra-Light Machine Gun—SHOT Show 2017

Ronnie Barrett, owner of Barrett Firearms, is shown here demonstrating the 240LWS.


Barrett also says they have reduced the parts in the receiver from 64 to 2. Not 62. 2.I have no idea how they pulled off that feat of magic, but armorers and supply clerks the world over are jumping for joy. This has also allowed them to drop 4 pounds off the receiver. The barrel has been fluted to boot, every ounce counts. The sights are now folding, handy in an era of optics on machine guns. They even redesigned the carry handle, allowing you to mount more optics on a longer feed tray cover rail. Red dot plus night vision plus machine gun = win. A very big win.

There is an array of other changes, every one of which has been thought through. I know the troops will be very appreciative if this update ever makes it through the US procurement system, and they deserve it. I didn’t get an exact weight on this new Barrett model, but I know this from experience: It is significantly lighter than even the 2010 update called the M240L, and that gun included titanium parts.

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Barrett 240 LWS Ultra-Light Machine Gun—SHOT Show 2017

The 240LWS is designed to shave off a lot of weight from the 7.62mm machine gun while still retaining all its power and capabilities.

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