Autry Pruitt: Diversity at SHOT Show Shattered Expectations

in Authors, Interviews, S.H. Blannelberry, SHOT Show 2015, This Week

Lars Larson wasn’t the only nationally syndicated radio host I ran into at SHOT Show 2015. I also had the privilege of speaking with Autry Pruitt, the host of UrRepublic and a TownHall contributor.

Not familiar with UrRepublic, well don’t worry, because neither was I. But after talking with Mr. Pruitt he expressed to me that he represents a different brand of political philosophy: Progressive Libertarianism.

If I understand it correctly, Pruitt wants to hold big corporations accountable while keeping big government in check. In other words, he believes that equal time and attention should be paid to exposing both free-market swindlers and nanny-state bureaucrats — as opposed to just focusing on one and turning a blind eye to the other as some political parties have a tendency of doing. Does that make sense? I think so.

In any event, in our brief interview we covered several topics, including the diversity at SHOT Show, something Pruitt was happily surprised by.

“One of my favorite things is that a lot of people often talk about SHOT Show or gun owners as being white and old, this show has dispelled that myth,” explained Pruitt.

“The greatest audience I’ve had has been at the show,” he continued. “They’ve all come and listened to music and even if we disagree in other areas politically we are all Second Amendment supporters.”

So true. I can attest to that. Not everyone at SHOT is a 40-plus-year-old white dude from middle America who watches Fox News seven days a week (not that there’s anything wrong with Fox News). There are people from all over the country with different ethnic backgrounds and varying political perspectives at SHOT. But as Autry noted, the one thing we all have in common is we believe the right to keep and bear arms is an essential liberty.

I also asked Pruitt about his thoughts on universal background checks, a questioned I asked many of my interviewees at the show as it is a hot-button topic.

“We feel that background checks, all that stuff, is just an effort to further separate you from you Second Amendment rights,” said Pruitt.

“Crazy people don’t get guns by going through a background check, he added. “They get guns from doing what Adam [Lanza] did, breaking into a safe, killing their mother and taking the gun.”

Yeah, I agree with him. Begin to make something difficult and you begin to make it impossible. That’s really the purpose of many of these gun-control laws. Increase the burdens and you will decrease the number of people willing to exercise that right.

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