ATF Denies Allegations in Everytown Lawsuit, Refuses To Hand Over Information

in 2nd Amendment – R2KBA, Authors, Brent McCluskey, This Week

In the ongoing lawsuit between the Bureau of Alcohol Tobacco and Firearms and Everytown for Gun Safety, the agency has declined to hand over information requested through the Freedom of Information Act.

In July, Everytown sued the ATF for not submitting the “time to crime” section of their trace data on guns collected from crime scenes. But the agency says it’s exempt form disclosure.

The ATF is the only agency responsible for collecting “time to crime” data, and so Everytown has nowhere else to turn for the information.

The ATF is also in another lawsuit with pro-gun advocates over a separate Freedom of Information Act, and the agency seems to be confused over its officious capacity.

In regards to the Freedom of Information lawsuit with the pro-gun advocates, the ATF said it’s not an “agency,” while in the Freedom of Information Act lawsuit with Everytown it says it is.

(This article was a submission by freelance writer Brent Rogers H/T:

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